
jQuery Reference

jQuery library can be downloaded from www.jquery.com

Adding The Library To Your Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <head><title>Page Title</title></head>
    <script src='link_to_jquery_library_code'></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <head><title>Page Title</title></head>
    <script src='link_to_jquery_library_code'></script>

Basic Syntax

  • The $ accesses the query library.
  • The ("selector") finds HTML elements.
  • The action() is performed on the elements.


$('p').hide() 	//hides all <p> elements
$(".demo").hide() 	//hides all elements with class="demo"
$("#demo").hide() 	//hides all elements with id="demo"
$('p').hide() 	//hides all <p> elements
$(".demo").hide() 	//hides all elements with class="demo"
$("#demo").hide() 	//hides all elements with id="demo"


$("div") 	//selects all <div> elements
$("#test") 	//selects all elements with id="test"
$(".menu") 	//selects all elements with class="menu"
$("div.menu") 	//selects all <div> elements with class="menu"
$("div#test") 	//selects all <div> elements with id="test"
$("p:first") 	//selects the first <p> element
$("h1, p") 	//selects all <h1> and all <p> elements
$("div p") 	//selects all <p> elements that are descendants of <div>
$('*') 		//selects all elements in the DOM
$(":contains('orange')") 	//selects all elements that contains the text, 'orange'
$("[src]") 	//selects all elements with an src attribute
$(":input") 	//selects all input elements
$(":text") 	//selects all input elements with type="text"
$("div") 	//selects all <div> elements
$("#test") 	//selects all elements with id="test"
$(".menu") 	//selects all elements with class="menu"
$("div.menu") 	//selects all <div> elements with class="menu"
$("div#test") 	//selects all <div> elements with id="test"
$("p:first") 	//selects the first <p> element
$("h1, p") 	//selects all <h1> and all <p> elements
$("div p") 	//selects all <p> elements that are descendants of <div>
$('*') 		//selects all elements in the DOM
$(":contains('orange')") 	//selects all elements that contains the text, 'orange'
$("[src]") 	//selects all elements with an src attribute
$(":input") 	//selects all input elements
$(":text") 	//selects all input elements with type="text"

  • The attr() method is used for getting the value of an attribute.
<a href="github.com">Click here</a>
<a href="github.com">Click here</a>
    var val = $('a').attr("href");
//alerts "github.com"
    var val = $('a').attr("href");
//alerts "github.com"
  • The attr() method also allows us to set a value for an attribute by specifying it as a second parameter.
$(function() {
    $('a').attr("href", "jquery.com");
//This will change the href attribute of the <a> element to the provided value
$(function() {
    $('a').attr("href", "jquery.com");
//This will change the href attribute of the <a> element to the provided value
  • The removeAttr() method is used for removing any attribute of an element.
//removes border attribute

//removes class attribute
//removes border attribute

//removes class attribute

The html() method is used to get the content of the selected element, including the heml markup.

    jQuery is <b>fun</b> fun
    jQuery is <b>fun</b> fun
$(function() {
    var val = $('p').html();
//outputs: jQuery is <b>fun</b>
$(function() {
    var val = $('p').html();
//outputs: jQuery is <b>fun</b>

  • The text() method is used to get the text content without the html markup.
$(function() {
    var val = $('p').text();
$(function() {
    var val = $('p').text();
  • It can also be used to change the text content by specifying a parameter.
$(function() {
$(function() {

  • The var method is used to get the values of form fields such as text boxes, drop downs and similar inputs.
<input type="text" id="name" value="Username" />
<input type="text" id="name" value="Username" />
$(function() {
$(function() {
  • The value for the field can be set by providing it as a parameter to the val() method.


  • The addClass() method adds one or more classes to selected elements.
<div>Some text</div>
<div>Some text</div>
.header {
    color: blue;
    font-size: x-large;
.header {
    color: blue;
    font-size: x-large;
  • To specify multiple classes within the addclass() method, just separate them using spaces.


The removeClass() method removes one or more class names from the selected elements.



It toggles between removing and adding classes from the selected elements; meaning that if the specified class exists for the element, it is removed; else it is added.

<p>Some text</p>
<button>Toggle class</button>
<p>Some text</p>
<button>Toggle class</button>
.red {
    color: red;
    font-weight: bold;
.red {
    color: red;
    font-weight: bold;
//toggles the class "red" upon clicking the button
$(function() {
    $("button").click(function() {
//toggles the class "red" upon clicking the button
$(function() {
    $("button").click(function() {

  • It is used to get and/or set css property values.
<p>Some text</p>
<p>Some text</p>
p {
    background-color: red;
    color: white;
p {
    background-color: red;
    color: white;
$(function() {
    //Outputs the current background color of p
    //sets the background color to blue
    $('p').css("background-color", "blue");
$(function() {
    //Outputs the current background color of p
    //sets the background color to blue
    $('p').css("background-color", "blue");
  • To set multiple css properties, the css() method uses the JSON syntax:
    css({"property": "value", "property": "value", ...});
    css({"property": "value", "property": "value", ...});

  • The width() and height() methods can be used to get and set the width and height of HTML elements.
//sets both width and height to 100px
//sets both width and height to 100px
  • They get and/or set the dimensions without the padding, borders and margins.
  • The innerWidth() and innerHeight() methods include the padding.
  • The outerWidth() and outerHeight() methods include the padding and the borders.

  • The parent() method returns the direct parent element of the selected element.

        Div element
        Div element
    var e = $('p').parent();
    e.css("border", "2px solid red")
    var e = $('p').parent();
    e.css("border", "2px solid red")
  • The parent() method moves one level up the DOM tree.

  • The children() method selects all direct children of the selected element.

  • siblings() method returns all siblings' elements.

  • next() returns the next sibling element.

  • nextAll() returns all the next sibling elements.

  • prev() returns previous sibling element of the selected element.

  • prevAll() returns all previous sibling elements of the selected element.

  • The eq() method returns an element with a soecific index number of the selected elements.

    //This returns the 3rd 'div' element
    //This returns the 3rd 'div' element
  • The remove() method removes selected elements.

    <p style="color: red;">Red</p>
    <p style="color: blue;">Blue</p>
    <p style="color: green">Green</p>
    <p style="color: red;">Red</p>
    <p style="color: blue;">Blue</p>
    <p style="color: green">Green</p>

    This removes selected elements as well as its child elements.

  • The empty() method is used to remove the child elements of selected elements.




Common Events

Mouse Events

  • Click occurs when an element is clicked.
  • dblclick occurs when an element is double-clicked.
  • mouseenter occurs when the mouse pointer enters the selected elements.
  • mouseleaves occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the selected elements.
  • mouseover occurs when the mouse pointer is over the selected elements.

Keyboard Events

  • keydown occurs when a keyboard key is pressed down.
  • keyup occurs when a keyboard key is released.

Form Events

  • submit occurs when a form is submitted.
  • change occurs when the value of an object has been changed.
  • focus occurs when an element gets focus.
  • blur occurs when an element loses focus.

Document Events

  • ready occurs when the document has been loaded.
  • resize occurs when a browser window changes size.
  • scroll occurs when a user scrolls in the specified element.


<input type="text" id="name" />
<div id="msg"></div>
<input type="text" id="name" />
<div id="msg"></div>
//assigns the content of div, the value of the input field.
//assigns the content of div, the value of the input field.


  • To handle events, you can also use the on() method. It attaches an event to the selected element.
    $('p').on("click", function(){
    $('p').on("click", function(){
  • Multiple event names can be handled by separating them with spaces in the first arguement to pass the same function.
  • Event handlers can be removed using off() method.
    $("div").on("click", function(){
        console.log("Hi there!");
    $("div").on("click", function(){
        console.log("Hi there!");

The arguement of the off() method is the event name you want to remove the handler for.

  • You can trigger events programmatically using the trigger() method (without the user necessarily initiating the event).
    $("div").on("click", function(){
    $("div").on("click", function(){

  • append() inserts content at the end of selected elements.
  • prepend() inserts content at the beginning of selected elements.
  • after() inserts content after the selected elements.
  • before() inserts the content before the selected elements.
<p id="demo">Hi</p>
<p id="demo">Hi</p>
$(function() {
//Output: Hi David

$(function() {
    $("#demo").before("<b>Good day!<b/>");
//Output: Good day (in bold)! Hi David

$(function() {
//Good day (in bold)! Hi David Welcome

$(function() {
    var txt = $("<p></p>").text("Hi");
    //This creates a new <p> element which contains the text, "Hi"
$(function() {
//Output: Hi David

$(function() {
    $("#demo").before("<b>Good day!<b/>");
//Output: Good day (in bold)! Hi David

$(function() {
//Good day (in bold)! Hi David Welcome

$(function() {
    var txt = $("<p></p>").text("Hi");
    //This creates a new <p> element which contains the text, "Hi"